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your email productivity

See at a glance what’s happening in your inbox,
so you can take action and reach inbox zero.


Everything you need to
improve your email habits.
There’s a fix to “OMG — too many emails!”. With clear and easy-to-read reports, we bring together everything you need to stay organized and build better email habits.
Easy to get started
Find insights in seconds using filters
Understand when you’re most productive
Discover what’s cluttering your inbox
Stay updated with custom alerts
Easily export email data to other tools

Secure and private,
exactly how it should be.

Email Meter never reads or stores the body or attachments of your emails.

We enable thousands of companies to analyze their email activity — and we’re dedicated to building something they can trust. To do this, we combine enterprise-grade security features with frequent audits and security certifications.

Verified by Google
ISO 27001 certified
GDPR ready
Countless others are already improving their email habits

It's time to conquer your inbox, once and for all

Connect your email account and get your first report in seconds.