What Account Manager wouldn’t like to show their responsiveness to a demanding key customer? What Sales Representative wouldn’t love to be able to share how close they are to their clients? Using personal insights makes our emails less impersonal, more alive.
Today we're giving you a powerful new way to use your email statistics — with our brand new Chrome Extension, you can custom-sign emails based on your average response time. It's a cool way to show your clients and co-workers how much you care about them.
They’re quick and easy to generate — just install, go to Gmail and click on the Email Meter button followed by “Insert Signature”. We’ll calculate your email stats with the recipients and generate your Custom Signature in a matter of seconds. If you're not already familiar with Chrome Extensions, here’s how you can get started quickly.
How can I use it?
- To install the Chrome Extension, just visit this link, press the "Add to Chrome" button and grant permissions as necessary.
- When finished, a new Email Meter icon will appear in the right side of your Chrome browser. Click it and insert whatever tagline suits you better. Your settings will be synced across your devices if you’re logged into Chrome and you’ve set it up that way.
- If you already have an Email Meter account and are logged into that browser window, you’re good to go! If not, go to any Gmail compose window, click on the Email Meter icon and press "Connect".
- Ok, we’re ready! Add at least one recipient, then click on the extension and press the “Insert Signature” button. Now your email draft will have an amazing custom signature. Voilá!
- Not proud of your response time? No problem, just add the signature in the draft and delete the part you're not comfortable with. The text generated is fully editable once it's added to the compose window.
Tell us what you think and what you'd like to see next! Get in touch with the chat bubble in Email Meter or by emailing us at hello@emailmeter.com!