Tips & Insights

Gmail Analytics: Everything You Need to Know

For businesses that use Gmail for communication, Gmail analytics is important. The issue, however, is that Google Workspace Admin provides only limited analytics. And to get Gmail analytics such as email response times, SLAs, etc, you either need to leverage Gmail API yourself or use alternatives tools.

Fortunately, Email Meter (which, incidentally, used to be called Gmail Analytics) can bridge the gaps between Google Workspace Admin and powerful Gmail analytics, as we will see in this blog post.

Common Methods to Track Gmail Analytics

1. Gmail Analytics in Google Workspace Admin Console

The Google Workspace Admin Console provides a range of analytics tools specifically designed to help administrators monitor and manage Gmail usage and performance within an organization. These cover:

  • Monitoring Email Traffic. Track overall email volume and trends across the organization to identify usage patterns and potential issues.
  • Enhancing Security and Compliance. Monitor spam, phishing, and compliance-related issues to protect users and data. This includes implementing and reviewing DLP ((Data Loss Prevention) policies and handling security alerts.
  • Troubleshooting Delivery Issues. Analyze delivery failure reports to diagnose and resolve email delivery problems, ensuring emails reach their intended recipients.
  • User Activity Monitoring. Track individual user email activity to identify unusual patterns that may indicate security threats or compliance violations.
  • Audit and Compliance Reporting. Generate audit logs and compliance reports to support regulatory requirements and internal audits.

Metrics Measured

  • Email Activity Reports some text
    • Total emails sent and received by users
    • Number of emails delivered, undelivered, or marked as spam
    • Email volume trends over time
  • Spam and Phishing Reports some text
    • Number of spam messages detected and filtered
    • Number of phishing attempts blocked
    • User-specific data on flagged messages
  • Delivery Issuessome text
    • Email delivery failures and reasons (e.g., rejected by recipient server, bounced)
    • Specific issues such as authentication errors, DNS issues, or policy violations
  • User-Level Activitysome text
    • Individual user email activity (e.g., number of emails sent/received)
    • User login activity and access patterns
  • Compliance and Security Reportssome text
    • Emails containing sensitive information flagged by DLP policies
    • Audit logs of user activities related to email (e.g., email deletion, access to attachments)
  • Audit Logssome text
    • Logs of administrative activities, such as user changes, configuration changes, and security-related events


  • Integrated and Centralized Management: Consolidates all administrative and monitoring functions in one place, making it easier to manage Gmail and other Google Workspace services.
  • Real-Time and Historical Data Access: Provides real-time monitoring and historical data analysis, enabling proactive management of email-related issues.
  • Security and Compliance Assurance: Enhances security posture by identifying and mitigating risks related to spam, phishing, and sensitive data exposure. Supports compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • User Behavior Insights: Offers insights into user behavior and email usage patterns, helping to optimize workflows and enhance productivity.
  • Cost-Effective for Google Workspace Users: No additional cost for using the Admin Console features, provided as part of the Google Workspace subscription.


  • Limited Granularity for Detailed Analytics: While it provides useful metrics, the Admin Console may lack the depth of detail available in specialized third-party tools, such as email sentiment analysis or granular user interaction data.
  • Requires Administrative Access: Access to these features is limited to administrators with appropriate permissions, potentially restricting visibility for non-admin users.
  • Complexity in Configuration: Setting up and configuring some reports and policies (e.g., DLP, spam filtering) can be complex and may require advanced knowledge of Google Workspace settings.
  • No Direct Analysis of Email Content: The Admin Console does not provide analytics on the content of emails themselves (e.g., keyword analysis, email thread analysis), focusing instead on metadata and activity metrics.
  • Scalability Concerns for Large Organizations: For very large organizations with millions of users and emails, the Admin Console might face performance challenges or limitations in generating timely reports.

2. Email Meter

Starting out as Gmail Analytics, Email Meter was designed to solve the problem of the limitations in reporting. And today, Email Meter provides detailed Gmail analytics by tracking metrics such as sent and received email volumes, response times, and email thread lengths. It offers customizable reports and dashboards to monitor individual and team productivity, helping identify trends and areas for improvement. 

Its compatibility with Google Workspace also makes it a user-friendly solution for in-depth email activity analysis.

Metrics Measured:

  • Email Volume: Sent, received, and archived emails.
  • Response Times: Average time to reply, first response times.
  • Email Threads: Number of threads, average thread length.
  • Productivity Metrics: Time spent on emails, email activity by hour or day.
  • Heatmaps of email activity: Frequency and timing of email interactions over a specific period.
  • Trends of workload: Volume of emails received and sent over time.
  • Trends of response times: How quickly emails are replied to over a set period.
  • SLAs: Agreed-upon standards for response and resolution times in email communications.
  • SLAs achievement: Percentage of emails responded to within the agreed-upon SLA time frames
  • Agent's performance metrics within shared mailboxes: Individual contributions and efficiency in handling emails in a shared environment.


  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to use with visual dashboards.
  • Customizable Reports: Tailor reports to specific metrics and timeframes.
  • Compatibility with Google Workspace: Seamless connection with Gmail and Google Workspace.

Achieve Superior Data Quality for Gmail Analytics with Email Meter

Email Meter provides powerful Gmail analytics through its advanced features, offering comprehensive insights into email usage and productivity. Here’s a detailed look at how Email Meter achieves this:

1. Superior Data Quality

Email Meter leverages the BigQuery connector to ensure high-quality data retrieval and processing. With Google BigQuery, our platform can handle large datasets efficiently, providing accurate and real-time analytics.

BigQuery also allows Email Meter to scale its data analysis capabilities, making it suitable for both small teams and large enterprises with extensive email activity.

2. Detailed Email Metrics

With Email Meter, you can track:

  • Volume Metrics: Tracks the number of sent, received, and archived emails, offering a clear picture of email traffic and workload.
  • Response Time Analytics: Measures average response times, first response times, and overall email handling efficiency, helping teams improve responsiveness.
  • Thread Analysis: Analyzes email threads to determine the length and frequency of conversations, providing insights into communication patterns and collaboration efficiency.

3. Customizable Reports and Dashboards

Additionally, users can customize reports to focus on specific metrics and timeframes, ensuring that the analytics align with your unique needs and objectives.

Our platform also provides intuitive, visual dashboards that make it easy to understand and interpret data at a glance. These dashboards can be shared across teams to foster collaboration and transparency.

4. Productivity Tracking

Email Meter monitors the time spent on email activities, identifying peak times and potential bottlenecks. This helps in optimizing time management and improving overall productivity.

We can also track email activity trends by day, week, or month, enabling users to identify patterns and make data-driven decisions to enhance workflow efficiency.

5. Team Performance Analysis

With Email Meter, you can compare individual and team performance against predefined benchmarks, helping to identify high performers and areas needing improvement. 

Also, it's easy to analyze how team members interact through email, providing insights into collaboration dynamics and opportunities for better teamwork.

Sound interesting? To experience the full potential of Email Meter, request a demo today. 

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With Email Meter, companies understand how work happens and keep their teams productive without constant check-ins

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Get a clear picture of how work happens to analyze complex email workflows in an easy-to-use dashboard.
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