Tips & Insights

What You Need to Know About Email Tracking Software

Every day, nearly 350 million emails are sent all over the world. This makes email tracking software not only beneficial but also a must, especially for sales professionals, marketers, recruiters, and anyone else who sends a large volume of emails and wants to understand how recipients engage with their messages. 

Such software helps users gauge the effectiveness of their email campaigns, follow up with recipients at the right time, and optimize communication strategies for better outcomes.

If you need one for your organization, read on. In this article, we discuss the metrics that an email tracking software measures, the best software options for various email clients, and why an email inbox analytics tool like Email Meter is a valuable addition to your email tracking suite.

What Does an Email Tracking Software Measure?

An email tracking software is a tool or service that enables users to monitor the delivery, opening, and interaction with emails they send. Depending on the technology of the software, it can either leverage APIs like Gmail and Microsoft Graph API to get data from mailboxes, directly from the email provider, or add an extra layer on your email and allow you to track open rates, click rates, and other metrics like the one below.

1. Email Open Tracking

This feature notifies the sender when the recipient opens the email. It typically works by embedding a small, invisible tracking pixel in the email, which triggers a notification when the pixel is loaded.

2. Link Click Tracking

Email tracking software can also track when recipients click on links within the email. This helps senders understand which links are generating engagement and interest.

3. Attachment Downloads

Some email tracking tools can track when recipients download attachments included in the email.

4. Email Reply Tracking

Advanced tracking software may offer features to track email replies, allowing senders to know when recipients respond to their emails.

5. Real-time Notifications

Many email tracking tools provide real-time notifications or alerts when the email is opened or clicked by the recipient.

6. Analytics and Reporting

Email tracking software often provides detailed analytics and reports, allowing users to analyze their email performance, measure open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics.

7. Response Times

This metric measures the average time taken by recipients to respond to emails. It helps in evaluating communication efficiency and identifying bottlenecks in response times.

8. Email Volumes Sent and Received

Tracking the volume of emails sent and received provides insights into email traffic patterns, helping organizations manage workload distribution and optimize email communication strategies.

9. Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

SLAs define the expected response and resolution times for emails, ensuring that customer inquiries or internal communication are addressed within a specified timeframe. Monitoring SLAs helps maintain customer satisfaction and internal efficiency.

10. Email Engagement Metrics

These metrics encompass various indicators such as open rates, click-through rates, and attachment download rates. They provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of email campaigns and individual communications, enabling users to refine their strategies for better engagement.

11. Email Conversion Rates

For marketing or sales purposes, tracking email conversion rates measures the percentage of recipients who take a desired action after interacting with an email, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. This metric helps assess the ROI of email campaigns and optimize conversion strategies.

12. Email Client and Device Analysis

Understanding which email clients and devices recipients use to interact with emails can inform email design and optimization efforts. It ensures compatibility and enhances the user experience across different platforms.

13. Email Bounce Rate

This metric indicates the percentage of emails that were not successfully delivered to recipients' inboxes due to various reasons such as invalid email addresses or technical issues. Monitoring bounce rates helps maintain email list hygiene and deliverability.

14. Email Compliance Metrics

Tracking compliance with email regulations and policies, such as GDPR or CAN-SPAM Act, ensures that email communications adhere to legal requirements and best practices, mitigating the risk of regulatory penalties and reputation damage.

15. Team Performance Metrics

These metrics evaluate team productivity and collaboration by analyzing factors such as email response times, workload distribution among team members, and overall email efficiency. They facilitate performance assessment and optimization of team workflows.

16. Customer Satisfaction Scores

Collecting feedback from email recipients through surveys or ratings helps gauge customer satisfaction with email communications. It enables organizations to identify areas for improvement and enhance the quality of their email interactions.

Best Email Tracking Software for Marketing Analytics

Some email tracking software options are better for certain email clients and it's important to know these distinctions to make sure you're choosing the right platform for your organization. Here is a rundown of the best.

For Gmail

Several email tracking software options cater specifically to Gmail users, offering seamless integration with Gmail's interface and providing additional features that leverage Gmail's capabilities. Here are some of the best email tracking software for Gmail:

1. Mailsuite

Formerly known as Mailtrack, Mailsuite is a popular email tracking extension for Gmail that offers real-time email tracking capabilities. It integrates directly into the Gmail interface, displaying double checkmarks next to each email indicating whether it has been opened or not. Mailsuite is well-suited to Gmail users because of its simple and intuitive interface, seamless integration, and reliable tracking functionality.

2. Staffbase

Staffbase is previously known as BananaTag, and it is another powerful email tracking tool that integrates seamlessly with Gmail. It provides detailed insights into email opens, link clicks, and attachment downloads, all within the Gmail interface. Staffbase offers additional features such as email scheduling and customizable email templates, making it a versatile tool for Gmail users who want to track and optimize their email communications.

3. Mixmax

Mixmax is a comprehensive email tracking and productivity tool designed specifically for Gmail users. It offers advanced email tracking features, including real-time notifications when emails are opened or clicked. Mixmax also provides email scheduling, automated follow-ups, and integration with CRM systems like Salesforce, making it an ideal choice for sales professionals and marketers who rely on Gmail for their outreach efforts.

4. Streak

Streak is a powerful email tracking and CRM tool that seamlessly integrates with Gmail. It offers features such as email tracking, pipeline management, and collaboration tools, all within the Gmail interface. Streak is particularly well-suited to Gmail users who want to manage their sales and customer relationships directly from their inbox, without having to switch between different applications.

For Outlook

Similarly, for Outlook, there are a couple of email tracking software options that are tailored to integrate seamlessly with the platform, offering robust tracking capabilities and enhancing productivity within the Outlook environment, like these email analytics tools for Outlook. Here are some of the best of them:

1. ReadNotify

ReadNotify is a versatile email tracking service that integrates seamlessly with Outlook. It offers features such as email open tracking, link click tracking, and real-time notifications. ReadNotify provides detailed tracking reports, including the location and device used to open the email, making it a valuable tool for Outlook users who want to monitor their email engagement effectively.

2. Yesware

Yesware is a comprehensive email tracking and sales engagement platform designed specifically for Outlook users. It offers features such as email open tracking, link click tracking, and email templates. Yesware also provides real-time notifications when emails are opened or clicked, helping Outlook users follow up with prospects at the right time.

3. SalesHandy

SalesHandy is a feature-rich email tracking and sales automation tool that seamlessly integrates with Outlook. It offers advanced email tracking capabilities, including email open tracking, link click tracking, and email scheduling. SalesHandy also integrates with CRM systems like Salesforce, allowing Outlook users to track email engagement directly within their CRM dashboard.

4. Mailsuite for Outlook

Mailsuite, formerly Mailtrack, offers a dedicated version for Outlook users, providing seamless integration with the Outlook interface. It offers real-time email tracking, double check marks indicating email opens, and comprehensive email analytics. Mailsuite for Outlook is well-suited to users who rely on Outlook for their email communication and want to track their email engagement effectively.

Whichever of these platforms you end up choosing, you will benefit from adding an email inbox analytics tool like Email Meter to your IT suite. 

Best Email Tracking Software for Mailbox Analytics

When it comes to mailbox analytics, the best email tracking software for each client are as follows:

For Gmail

1. Email Meter

Email Meter offers comprehensive mailbox analytics for Gmail, including email open tracking, response times, email volumes, SLA monitoring, and detailed analytics and reporting. Its user-friendly interface and customizable reports make it a top choice for Gmail users seeking insights into email communication efficiency.

2. Mailtrack

Mailtrack provides real-time email tracking specifically for Gmail, offering features such as email open and link click tracking. It's a popular choice among Gmail users for monitoring email engagement and analyzing recipient behavior.

3. Mixmax

Mixmax offers advanced email tracking features for Gmail, including email open and link click tracking, as well as email scheduling and template customization. Its analytics dashboard provides insights into email performance and recipient engagement.

4. Yesware

Yesware offers email tracking and analytics for Gmail users, with features such as email open and link click tracking, email templates, and CRM integration for sales teams.

For Outlook

1. Email Meter

While primarily associated with Gmail, Email Meter offers some capabilities for Outlook users through its Office 365 integration. It provides insights into email communication efficiency, including response times, email volumes, and SLA monitoring.

2. Yesware

Yesware offers dedicated email tracking and analytics solutions for Outlook users, with features such as email open and link click tracking, email templates, and CRM integration. It's a popular choice among Outlook users, especially in sales and marketing roles.

3. Mixmax

Mixmax also offers support for Outlook users, providing email tracking features such as email open and link click tracking, along with email scheduling and template customization options.

4. Boomerang

Boomerang offers email tracking and scheduling features specifically designed for Outlook users, allowing them to monitor email engagement and schedule emails for optimal delivery times.

Why Your Email Tracking Software Needs Email Meter

Whether your email tracking software is suited best to marketing analytics or not, you still need a mailbox analytics tool like Email Meter for these reasons.

1. Comprehensive Insights

Email tracking software typically provides insights into specific metrics such as email opens and clicks. However, Email Meter offers a broader view of email activity, including metrics like the number of emails sent and received, response times, email traffic trends, and email volume over time. This comprehensive view enables users to understand their overall email habits and identify areas for improvement.

2. Productivity Analysis

Email Meter can analyze email usage patterns to identify productivity bottlenecks and inefficiencies. For example, it can highlight email overload, identify peak email activity times, and pinpoint email threads that require follow-up. By understanding these patterns, users can optimize their email workflows and improve productivity.

3. Team Collaboration

Email Meter can also provide insights into team email usage and collaboration patterns, including collaboration frequency and email distribution within teams. These insights can further help teams identify communication gaps, improve collaboration, and streamline workflows.

4. Goal Setting and Performance Tracking

Additionally, Email Meter can help users set email-related goals and track their progress over time. For example, users can set goals for reducing email response times or managing email volume more effectively. Email Meter's analytics can track progress towards these goals and provide actionable insights to support users in achieving them.

5. Data-driven Decision Making

Finally, by combining email tracking data with inbox analytics from Email Meter, users can make more informed decisions about their email communication strategies. They can identify the most effective email outreach tactics, optimize email response times, and prioritize emails based on importance and urgency.

Interested in how all of these can translate in your work environment? Request a demo with Email Meter for your organization today.

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